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What is temperature?

Profile picture for user PocketLab
Submitted by PocketLab on Fri, 06/02/2017 - 18:02


What does it mean to change temperature? What is temperature? We know what it means to be hot or cold, but what does it mean when you measure the temperature of an item?


In this experiment, students will:
1. Understand how the temperature of the water is related to the movement (kinetic energy) of the water molecules.
2. Use observations to describe the principle of thermal expansion.

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Measuring Pressure Change from Chemical Reaction

Profile picture for user PocketLab
Submitted by PocketLab on Fri, 06/02/2017 - 16:49


After a change occurs, if the molecules of the chemicals involved do not change, it is only a physical change. Ice melting to water is an example of this. A change has occurred, but the H2 0 as ice, remains H2 0 as water. If however the molecules of the chemicals involved do change to form new chemicals, then a chemical change has occurred.

Grade Level

Pressure and Volume with a Syringe and Flask

Profile picture for user PocketLab
Submitted by PocketLab on Fri, 06/02/2017 - 16:44


Explore air pressure, temperature, and volume and how they work together. In a syringe sealed to an Erlenmeyer flask , when the syringe’s plunger moves back and forth, the volume of air in the syringe and f ask changes. Will the pressure also change if the temperature of the air sealed in the syringe and f ask changes? A PocketLab can be placed inside the Erlenmeyer f ask to measure the change in pressure as the the volume and temperature change. 


Grade Level

Energy Transfer: Kinetic Energy to Thermal Energy

Profile picture for user PocketLab
Submitted by PocketLab on Thu, 06/01/2017 - 19:09


The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant. Over time, all energy is conserved. It is neither created nor destroyed-instead it transfers from one form to another. When shaking a jar of sand, what happens to the temperature of the sand? Explore how this relates to the law of conservation of energy.


Grade Level

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