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Physics for the Future: Embracing New Methods with Conceptual Academy and PocketLab

with John Suchocki and

Paul Hewitt


Chat Transcript


Dive deep into Conceptual Academy Physics' approach that emphasizes conceptual understanding over rote learning and have your students gain hands-on experience with PocketLab sensors. The session aims to deepen your comprehension of key physics teaching principles, from the basics of motion to the complexities of quantum mechanics, all the while demonstrating how these concepts can be dynamically presented in a classroom setting. Take this opportunity to acquire new teaching methodologies, network with fellow educators, and invigorate your pedagogical strategies to better engage your students with the wonders of physics.


John Suchocki Founder and CEO | Conceptual Academy

John is the author of Conceptual Chemistry, as well as CEO and founder of Conceptual Academy, PBC, a public benefit company of teachers and textbook authors including Paul Hewitt of Conceptual Physics. Well-known for his video work, John has been active in distance and hybrid learning techniques since the mid-1990s. He has been teaching physical science for about 25 years primarily at the community college level, and is now focused on the continued development of video textbooks with his co-authors at Conceptual Academy.


Paul Hewitt Creator of Conceptual Physics

Paul G. Hewitt, former boxer, uranium prospector, signpainter, and cartoonist began college at the age of 28 and fell in love with physics. His name is synonymous with Conceptual Physics to physics educators everywhere.  Before the advent of Professor Hewitt's textbook of the same name, physics was traditionally taught primarily as applied mathematics — geared to students with high math and science aptitudes. As such, any serious study of physics was out of the educational mainstream for most students. Hewitt's conceptual approach changed all this.  By translating the central concepts of physics from mathematical language to common English, and by explaining physics rather than proclaiming physics, and by extensive use of analogies as a teaching tool, Hewitt brought physics into the educational mainstream. His textbook, the leading physics textbook for nonscientists since 1971, has changed the way physics is taught to both non-science and science majors as well.

Hewitt’s present passion is creating screencasts, short lessons on elementary physics that have been posted on YouTube. These are in step with the Conceptual Physics books, and are additionally posted here on this website, and on Conceptual Academy and The screencasts, called Hewitt Drew It! are meant for general use and may be copied for classroom, homeschool, or science-buff use. Free to all.


Notes and Resources:


Conceptual Academy in Notebook

Free Preview Units of Conceptual Academy

Hewittt Drew It!

Paul Hewitt's Free Video Library


ScIC12 Video Library

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