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Roundtable of Rockstars

What is Esports and Gamification?


Please excuse the intermittent quality of this replay. Our presenters are hand-picked for their expertise and passion for championing educators. We hope you enjoy the wealth of information and insights offered by each of them.

Chat Transcript PDF

This session aired at ScIC6 Science is Cool Virtual Unconference on Thursday, July 29, 2021.

Constance Steinkuehler, Chris Aviles, Tammie Schrader, and Dr. Robbie Melton join ScIC host Dave Bakker to discuss what it means to bring Esports, games, and gamification into the STEM classroom.


Constance Steinkuehler Professor | University of California, Irvine

Constance Steinkuehler is a Professor in the Department of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine where she researches culture, cognition, and learning in the context of multiplayer online videogames and esports.


Chris Aviles  President | Garden State Esports

Chris Aviles is a middle school STEM teacher and President of Garden State Esports, a nonprofit scholastic esports league for NJ schools.


Dr. Robbie Melton  Associate Vice President | Tennessee State University National SMART Technology Innovation Center

Dr. Robbie Melton serves as a global researcher and international consultant for Emerging IOE (“The Internet of Everything”) Smart Mobile Technology of mobile devices, smart phone-tablets, wearables, smart gadgets and tools, and mixed reality of VR and AR. 


Tammie Schrader  Science Coordinator | Washington State Service District 101

Tammie is a Regional Science and Computer Science Coordinator for Northeast Washington Education Service District 101 in Washington State.

Notes and Resources:

Constance Steinkuehler
Games+Learning+Society Center

Chris Aviles
Garden State Esports TechedUp Teacher
Chris' Twitter 
You can find Chris’s book here 

Dr. Robbie Melton TSU SMART Technology Innovation Center


To start an Esports team at school - Look at NASEF (North American Scholastic Esports Federation) 

Unity Education Hub

Biology as eSport: Immune Game Project 
* Keep updated on the project at:

 An excellent free app for MATH 

OER Commons

Success Prints Crash Course


ScIC6 Unconference Video Library


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